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Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 11:00:53 -0700
From: Marvin Landis <marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu>
Subject: VRML and Lightwave
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>Very interesting! Do you know where I can get more info on this or if
>there is a version of WebSpace available for the Alpha?
Sorry, if this has already been answered, I have been on vacation for a week
and am just about finished reading all the lightwave digests that came in
during that time.
The most inclusive site for VRML information is the SDSC VRML Repository. Lots
of pointers to information and other interesting VRML sites here:
WebSpace is not available for the Alpha yet. Your best bet for a VRML browser
for the Alpha is probably VRweb (at least there is a version for the DEC Alpha,
I don't know anything about Alpha's so I don't know if we're talking the same
thing here or not). They are also one of the few VRML browser developers that
are releasing source code for their browser, so give it a look at:
As someone already pointed out, Lightwave 4.0 includes a plugin for saving
lightwave objects in VRML format (at least the pre-release SGI version does). I
also wrote a Lightwave to Inventor converter a while back (VRML is largely
based on Inventor, so changing from the Inventor format my program is writing,
to VRML is a simple one line text editor operation). The converter only runs
on an SGI, but I have used it to convert several of my 3D objects to VRML
format. Some of the objects originated from other modellers (Sculpt, Imagine,
etc), but actually they were all converted and edited with Lightwave's modeller
before ending up in VRML format. If anyone is interested in seeing a few of my
VRML objects (jpegs of the objects are available as well as the VRML objects),
check out:
I know this post is largely about VRML, but I am using the Lightwave modeller
with great success for creating VRML objects, and really love it. Fun stuff.
Marvin Landis
WWW Page: http://amber.rc.arizona.edu/marvinl.html
Email: marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu
Marvin Landis <marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu> sent this message.
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